Glamour pro hair oil
It is truly one of a kind , Contains 12 kinds of oils
Increases blood circulation in the scalp and improves the function of the skin and hair roots
stimulates the functions of the scalp and hair roots and increases hair growth
It prevents the increase of germs harmful to the hair and prevents swollen hair strands
How To Use
Apply oil on your scalp and massage with fingertips using a circular motion.
Apply the oil left on your palms to your hair.
Cover with a towel or shower cap and leave on overnight.
The next day, shampoo hair while dry. Rinse thoroughly.
Condition as normal.
50 ml
إنه فريد من نوعه لإحتوائه على 12 نوعًا من الزيوت
يزيد الدورة الدموية في فروة الرأس ويحسن وظيفة الجلد وجذور الشعر
ينشط وظائف فروة الرأس وجذور الشعر ويزيد من نمو الشعر
يمنع زيادة الجراثيم الضارة بالشعر
٥٠ مل